“Macross: Do You Remember Love?” movie re-released in movie theaters!

To commemorate the release of “Macross: Do You Remember Love?” on 4k bluray, the movie has been simultaneously re-released on the big screen, shown exclusively at Toho Theaters. From where I live, the two closest Toho theaters are either in Fujimi, Saitama Prefecture or Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture.

My friend Adrian and I went to see the movie at the Toho Cinema in Utsunomiya. My friend was only familiar with Plus and Frontier, but had never seen the original. It was shown on screen 6 and there was this mini poster outside of the entrance in the picture above. It was an incredible experience to see this in a theater for the first time.

It was fully surround sound, too. In 2020, during the beginning of the madness of the era of Corona-chan when every other theater seat was taped off for the purposes of the “social distancing” nonsense (junk science), several Studio Ghibli movies were being shown in theaters to keep their revenue going. I took the opportunity to see Nausicaa at the cinema. It was in stereo only, which wouldn’t have been so bad, but only the front two left/right speakers were active. If they would have just had all of the left speakers duplicated for the left channel and all of the right speakers active for the right channel it wouldn’t have been so noticeable, but only the front two speakers by the screen were active and it took a while to get used to that. It was a cool experience to see Nausicaa on the big screen, but with the sound the way it was, it felt like I was watching it on a very big TV screen, far away. Seeing DYRL really dwarfed that experience.

The beginning of the credits with the song “Tenshi no Enogu” featured the animation from Flashback, which has been the standard since the second laserdisc release. The decapitation scenes were not edited, so this was the original movie experience (plus the Flashback concert animation). I’m gonna buy this release.

I’m glad my friend could go with me. My daughter calls this the “uaki (“cheating”) movie” because she was on Team Minmay when she first saw it, and was offended when Hikaru kissed Misa in the underwater city. I have this same movie poster on my wall, so I guess she was expecting the movie to be a love story between Hikaru and Minmay and she got pissed. So whenever I’d play this laserdisc movie, she’d gripe a bit. Now I wanna get it on bluray and make her gripe more!

We both had popcorn in the theater, but after the movie we were hungry for dinner. Since we were in Utsunomiya and it was Adrian’s first time visiting the city, we found a gyoza restaurant in front of Utsunomiya Station. Utsunomiya is famous for gyoza, after all.

There were many types of gyoza to choose from. This is “pakchi gyoza.” “Pakchi” is the Thai word for coriander, or “cilantro” as it’s known by in the USA where we use the Spanish word for the herb. Many people in Japan hate pakchi because to them it smells like stinkbugs. I’ve heard that said often. I really do not think it smells like stinkbugs at all. It has such a fresh, green smell that I find refreshing. Fortunately, my wife likes pakchi. It’s amusing because most Japanese people love eating natto, which stinks and its taste triggers my puking instinct. I can’t describe its stench, but it really smells bad. So in the same way many Japanese people cannot eat pakchi, I cannot eat natto. I could taste spicy nampla (fish sauce), giving the gyoza a Thai-style taste. Garnished with cilantro on top, it was very good. The restaurant also had “negi mayo” (green onion and mayonnaise) as well as cheese gyoza. Fantastic food. I didn’t have any alcohol because I had to drive us back home to Gunma Prefecture.

We listened to a lot of Ramones and The Clash in the car there and back. It was a great evening.

Monday morning Windows 10 blues

So coming into work Monday morning, I had to put up with this gay crap. The laptop had installed an update Friday evening when I left, then when I turned it on again it wasted more time. The computer couldn’t be used for nearly 20 minutes. Let me guess: Windows 11 is more of the same, right? Assuming this laptop can even be upgraded to Win11 by October, it’s just going to get even slower. With Linux, your computer is usable while updates are installed, without having to shut your computer down. It just updates in the background. You may need to restart your browser or sometimes logging out and logging back in is required, but there’s no thumb twiddling like there is with Windows. I hate Windows. This would would be a better place if businesses and institutions would just switch to Linux. I feel like the escaped slave from Plato’s Cave trying to convince his fellow cave dwellers of the existence of blue skies and green grass, but everyone would rather focus on the shadows on the wall of the cave. Windows sucks!

“Memories of Green,” when life imitates art

Someone shared this incredible video on Gab. It’s not often when such a simple video will grab me like this, causing me to re-watch it numerous times. This young man plays “Memories of Green” by Vangelis on some old piano on a sidewalk which appears to be somewhere in the UK. The passing traffic only adds to the melody, emulating the ambience of the Blade Runner movie soundtrack.

Whether this was a spontaneous moment or deliberately planned, this simple moment captures such incredible beauty, evoking a wave of nostalgia for my favorite movie. As others have said in this video’s comments section, it’s a pleasant surprise to see that someone so young would even know this tune.

It’s amazing how such a video can be so profound, striking a chord like this in my heart. As one commenter on this video put it, “This video restored my faith in humanity a little.” Amen.

Remember Fotomat, the drive-through photo processing booths?

As I was growing up, back in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, in the far end of the parking lot of the shopping mall , you’d see a little booth with a drive-through window. A lone employee would be inside (I always wondered how he/she takes restroom breaks). There you would drop off your photographic film for overnight development. So instead of taking your film to the drug store, you could just drop it off at one of these kiosks without having to leave your car.

According to Wikipedia, the film was developed and prints made on-site. I always assumed that the film was sent off to a lab somewhere and then re-delivered to the Fotomat location. It was convenient and I remember in the ’80s how I was in the backseat of that Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme when Mom would drop off film for developing.

With the advent of digital photography, eventually Fotomat went extinct. I hope someday that many big, evil companies like Pfizer and Bayer-Monsanto will someday go extinct and their products never used again.

Nostalgic screenshot of Fedora Linux circa 2006 I found, plus some Linux memes

While doing a Duck Duck Go image search, I found this image of a Fedora desktop, circa 2006. This looks exactly the way my old laptop did after my friend installed Fedora on it, breathing new life into it. This is just so nostalgic for me. That was my first real experience with Linux. I’ve updated the essay I wrote a few years ago in the Greg’s Life section with the above image.

Another friend shared this article with me. The journalist is rather excited about SteamOS putting a dent in Microsoft’s market share. But since SteamOS can’t just be downloaded for free and put on any random computer, I’m not sure how far it would go. Still, people are getting very sick of Windows. Windows is like Star Wars and Star Trek… it’s like an abusive, violent husband whose battered wife refuses to dump him. “BUT I NEED HIM AND HE LOVES ME!” No, you can do better. He needs you; you don’t need him. Leave him! The way people refuse to leave Windows is like battered wife syndrome.

Here are a few Linux memes I saw recently.

One interesting thing about Win10 was the return of the Blue Screen of Death. I hadn’t seen the BSD since my WinXP days. Good going, Microsoft. I have to admit though that my Mint computer can screw up at times, but usually it’s Steam playing a Windows-made game through the Proton or Glorious Eggroll compatibility tools.

I got a new hand-me-down laptop! Linux Mint Macross desktop wallpaper

While staying at the in-laws’ place, I upgraded my mom-in-law’s Fujitsu laptop. I had set her up with Mint Cinnamon nearly 5 years ago and she needed a major update. Going from version 19 to 22, she remarked how nearly identical the versions are, unlike Microsoft where they reinvent the frickin’ wheel with every damned iteration of Windows and make it gayer with each release. “Hey, you got used to finding what you needed, huh? Well too bad! Now it’s all in different places. Go ahead and get tons of vaccines and eat bugs while you’re at it, too.” Go to hell, Microsoft!

I was hoping to find a used laptop on Yahoo Shopping or Rakuten or something, but the chances of getting some crappy refurbished laptop that will croak after the warranty expired is too high. Or having the keyboard not work properly, etc. The best scenario would be to obtain a laptop from someone who had taken good care of an old laptop, and that’s what happened! I’m glad I didn’t buy one because I got this for free. I had told myself that whenever I got a laptop that I’d install Zorin OS to try it out, but I ended up just going with Mint Mate, the same as my desktop computer. This laptop is about 12 years old. 750gb HD, 8gb RAM, and even a bluray drive. I can’t get it to play any bluray movies yet, but this is still good. It was designed for Win8, but Yukari had upgraded it to Win10. She said that it would take about 10 minutes just to boot up. Now that it’s running on Linux, it’s quicker, of course! Go to hell, Microsoft! Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Just go straight to hell and don’t come back with your totalitarian bullcrap. Eat a bag, Bill Gates!

30 Minutes Sisters customized Luluce done

So last night I finished my Luluce model kit. I went back to the Sanyodo Bookstore I posted about in the previous post and bought optional hair and body parts to give her black pigtails and sexy tits. Luluce comes with a nice ponytail, but her hair is like a dark gray and I prefer black. I think I’ll paint the ponytail hair parts with Mr. Hobby Lascius black hair color. I might paint the pigtail parts to match.

I’m on vacation at the in-laws’ place this week. Here I have a modeling table with various modeling supplies I keep here to work on models whenever we stay here. What I need to do is pop the parts apart and sand down the gates better. When I get home, I plan to do a flat coat on the flesh parts. I can use a Faber Castel pencil to do some shading on her butt cheeks and underboobs, then give it another flat coat to seal it in. I think I’ll also do a wash of Tamiya panel line accent color on her hair to give it more life, then do a flat coat on that too. Maybe do a semigloss finish on her outfit.

After sanding work, I may need to use some plastic polish to smooth it, or just very high grit sanding sponges. After a clear coat, it should provide a painted look.

A treasure trove of modeling stuff found at Sanyodo Bookstore

In Komagane City, Nagano Prefecture there is a bookstore called Sanyodo with a fantastic modeling section. There I spotted Aoshima’s new Back to the Future Delorean from the 2nd movie! The first Delorean was released earlier this year. This is the first time seeing this second kit at a store.

I went there to pick up the latest Modelgraphix magazine (featuring Votoms dioramas) and OH BOY they now have a HUGE plamo section! Tons of neat supplies and everything too. Not just Gundams, but plenty of Macross, Votoms, Crusher Joe, shmups game ships, cars, planes… wow. Several years ago I picked up the Bandai mini Millennium Falcon there, but at that time the model section was pretty limited to just some Gundams. So, I was very impressed to see that their modest modeling section has been expanded to a few aisles even.

And check this out. They even stock Vallejo acrylic paints there. You don’t normally see these paints at regular hobby stores in Japan.

So yeah, plenty of great modeling supplies to be found there. I’m very impressed.

I picked up a Bandai “30 Minutes Sisters” kit. Girl #3 named Luluce. She has such a pretty, dark skin complexion and a cute ponytail. She is the one I was interested in getting, but never got around to buying before she disappeared. Maybe these kits were repopped because that model store had tons of them in stock.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth on PSP

Last week I was sick with influenza and stayed home. I stayed in bed for 5 days and slept. I also began playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for the PSP and I really like it. I got about 4 hours in, realized I was not playing it right, then started over. It’s really not your typical JRPG in which every new town you visit you buy new weapons and armor for your characters at the armory shop and buy item supplies at the store next to that. In this game you must craft your own items and such. My complaint is that when I am creating new weapons and armor, it does not tell me which characters can use them, nor how much their stats would increase with the items.

I remember when this game first came out for the Playstation, at the end of the ’90s. It was refreshing to see screenshots of this game in magazines with its pixel graphics. At that time, nearly everything had to be 3D rendered and I didn’t like that. However, Valkyrie Profile came out late in the console’s life, and not many copies of the game were made. I was unable to procure one and before long, it had become terribly expensive. When it was re-released for the PSP as Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, I definitely bought it.

The world in this game is rather dreary. So much death and betrayal. As Lenneth, you must collect the souls of people who’ve died and recruit them to fight creatures of darkness so that you can send them to Asgard to fight for King Odin. Lots of sad stories. “I promise you, I won’t die! After this war, I’ll return and marry you!” Sorry bud, you’re dead. Now you get to die again in Ragnarok. That sort of thing. Perfect game for this joyous holiday season.