Our new floor sofa

Just over a month ago, I finally bought a small floor sofa for our apartment’s living room. In Japan, these floor sofas are popular since they do not take up so much space. They have no legs and just sit flat on the floor. I’ve wanted to get one for many years, and I am glad that I finally bought one.

I was out shopping with Mayu when I bought it, and it took up the entire back seat of the car. Mayu had to sit in the front seat, and it was the first time she sat in the front seat in nearly 4 years. She’s suffered PTSD ever since she was hit by a car in April 2019, and sitting in the front seat with a wide view of the road ahead makes her very uncomfortable. She was able to sit in front with me like she used to do, and it made me happy. It was a milestone, like an Xbox achievement unlocked.

Ulan particularly loves the sofa. Here she is wearing her snuggly jammies, playing her 3DS.

Sofas are perfect for snuggly time.