My missed opportunity to own Magical Chase on the Gameboy Color

It was the summer of 2002. My first stint of living in Japan was coming to a close after 2 years, and I was in the process of packing up my belongings to move back to the USA. I happened to see Magical Chase for the GBC for only 3,000 yen. At the time, I had no way of playing the game, so I passed. It was only a few years later that this game’s value skyrocketed, and now I dare not look up to see its current value. I’ve kicked myself for passing on that opportunity. I figured that although it would be nice, I did not have a GBC, nor was I sure that I’d ever buy one. If I had only known, I could have at least bought it as an investment.

Well, I still don’t have a GBA, but I am able to play it on my Gamecube. Or Retropie, which I am using here for these screenshots. In 2002, this legendary cute-em-up was already rare and expensive for the PC Engine, and I figured that this GBC version would also go up in price. I wish I could somehow go back in time to snatch some of these games as I have become priced out of the market, thanks to hipsters.

So cute.