Last Saturday, we were visiting the Takasaki Station area and while shopping in the Opa Mall, I suggested we visit the cat cafe there on the 4th floor. For 700 yen per person, you can spend 30 minutes inside, and incremental minutes after then are paid extra if you wish to stay longer. You must buy one drink, so I ordered a chai latte. It was so delicious! I haven’t had chai tea in a very long time.

As we sat down, the meow-meows were keenly interested in us, most likely looking for treats that we bought for 200 yen at the counter. Some were very excited about the chai latte, and one was like, “Dude, CREAM. Kick ass!” He lunged his paw into my drink and began licking it off. One kitty with a blue scarf just parked himself on my leg and I let him lap up a lot of the cream.

The kitties there were beautiful and very well-groomed, but they weren’t very affectionate. It seems like they were selected for their appearance rather than their personality. I think it’s mostly because they see people come and go constantly all day, so they don’t really bond to people. You can pet them, but most seemed a bit indifferent and selfish. Their attitude was like, “Oh, you no longer have any treats? Well, bye then.”
There is a black cat I often see in a side street I often take to get to my car after work. I think she must be old as I can feel her bones under her skin. I call her “Mya-Meow.” I call out to her and she replies, and she comes up to me. We can keep up a dialogue that way as she is rather vocal. She’s usually under a car in a driveway. She is always happy to see me, and she lets me pick her up and cradle her like a baby. When I leave, she follows me for a while, calling out to me, begging me to come back and spend more time with her. Her fur is usually dirty and she isn’t well-groomed, but she loves me and never wants me to go.