R2-D2 by Claude Monet

The Dall-E image generator allows you to create images as though they were painted by famous painters. My friend Brian did Ryu from Street Fighter as painted by Picasso, and Hillary Clinton as painted by Rembrant. I gave it a shot with Darth Maul painted by Georges Seurat and it looks pretty cool. I entered R2-D2 by Claude Monet and these pictures are beautiful.

It looks like Artoo is having a nice day by the waterside. That’s nice.

BONUS: Indiana Jones, as painted by Vincent Van Gogh.

CAT VADER! Having fun with the Dall-E image generator.

My friend Brian told me about the Dall-E AI-driven automatic image generator recently. The first thing I tried was Bob Saget on a pogo stick, and that did not work out so well. I tried a few other concepts (I’ll show those in a bit), but the best so far is “Cat Vader.” These turned out wonderful!

Alright, so this one is a bit weird.
“Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as Vader and pet!”

Doing “Joe Biden Potato Head” turned out a few good results.

Here’s Biden with a facehugger.

And here’s Super Mario Trump:


Tom Cruise in a cow suit:

And why not? Here is AOC in a chicken suit. It worked even though I misspelled the stupid bitch’s name.

Klaus Schwab and the Eye of Sauron:

Then I tried George Soros as Gollum. Looks pretty much like he always does. I can’t spot any differences.

Justin Turdpole as Data from Star Trek:


OK, last one, I swear. Elmo in a blender:

Fun times. Perhaps this AI will gain sentience and eventually decide to eliminate mankind… excuse me, HUMANKIND (thanks Justin-chan), but whatever.