Ulan-chan’s brass band performed for a street festival in town on April 29th. They played three anime songs. Mayu and I snuck around to the back of the stage to get a good view of her. Here’s the video I took. Enjoy!
Ulan-chan’s 15th birthday

Today is May 5th, Children’s Day in Japan. It’s also my daughter Ulan’s birthday! This lucky girl has her birthday on a national holiday. So the picture above is a cake for Children’s day (Kodomo no Hi) for the rest of the family to enjoy, and this was her own personal birthday cake:

Here’s the neat crap she got for her birthday. I got her a Dragon Quest Slime pillow with some Chiikawa character stuff. Chiikawa is some new cute character animation she’s really into and watches the videos on YouTube. I think it’s boring, but whatever. Happy girl is happy. We love you, Ulan-chan.
Oh yes, and while we were having cake, a mag 6 earthquake hit Ishikawa Prefecture, right on the peninsula. Klaxons were going off and there was even a countdown to what was supposed to be a mag 3 here, but we couldn’t feel a thing.
Spy Family artwork on display at Numata City Hall
I was in Numata Terrace, the city hall for Numata, Gunma Prefecture last week. On the 2nd floor is an art gallery for local artists. I saw some neat Spy family art from students on display. My daughter Ulan and I have enjoyed this anime series.

Exercising our 2nd Amendment rights on aluminum cans

I was going through a box of photos and found this picture of two right wing terrorists massacring some aluminum cans. This was over two decades ago! I believe this was autumn 2002, after we had moved back from Japan that August. My uncle Gary took us to his favorite spot called Yellow Jacket off of the Black Canyon Highway and Mayu got to shoot my .22 rifle. I still had some hair then. I think we had a picnic and it was a fun day. The only ones who didn’t enjoy themselves that day were the aluminum cans.

Here is Mayu with Uncle Gary. She enjoyed shooting that day.

The neat thing about Yellow Jacket is that the soil has washed away underneath the tree roots, so the trees just stand up from out of the ground. It’s pretty wild. Here is Mayu sitting underneath one of the trees.
The fruits of the Spirit

May the power of Pepe compel you!
A heartwarming father to daughter talk regarding the movie Aliens…

The local grocery store now carries pita bread, so I made Greg-version Turkish/Greek kebab sandwiches for dinner Saturday night. While eating, I put in the Aliens DVD again. My daughter Ulan voiced her displeasure at the first chestburster scene. I said, “Hey, this movie is about FRIENDSHIP. Because when everyone is getting killed in horrible ways by hideous space monsters, friends are all you have left!”
She probably thinks I’m crazy, but someday, she’ll learn. She’ll also learn that there were only TWO Alien movies ever made. The rest are feldercarb.
“Hide Yer Eyes” by Slowdive
This song reminds me of a wonderful girl from Ireland I once knew. She was a girl whose kindness had helped lift me from a dark cloud of loneliness and despair, yet I couldn’t do the same for her as she was wasting away from anorexia and became withdrawn. I then found love with another girl, so far away in Japan. But this Irish girl was a kindred spirit, a hurting soul like me. When she transferred to a college out of state, I felt her absence and it made me sad. Although I married the girl in Japan, I wish I could have held onto the Irish girl’s friendship forever. I was always such a lonely nerd, yet I found myself in a love triangle between two beautiful, lovely foreign girls with black hair. This was 24 years ago…
Silly girl
You don’t look so good
There’s nothing here that makes you feel the way you should
The summer’s gone and you’ve lost your way
Why hide your heart
You know it’s always such a waste
Seeing you cry and it makes me sad
Makes me think that I should hold you everyday
Miss you always
Even if you hit the ground
Miss you always
Even if you’re here someday
Silly girl
It’s just a way to go
There’s nothing cool that makes my heart stay away
I’ve seen you cry and it makes me sad
Don’t hide your eyes
You know it’s always such a waste
Miss you always
Even when you hit the ground
Miss you always
Even when you’re here to play
この歌は、知っていたアイルランド出身の素敵な女の子を思い出させた。 彼女は孤独と絶望の暗い雲から 僕を助けてくれた優しい女の子だったが、彼女が拒食症で衰弱していたので、 僕は彼女のために同じことをすることができなかった. そして、遠く離れた日本で、別の女の子と恋に落ちた。 しかし、このアイルランドの女の子は、 僕と同じように心の傷を負った魂のようなものだった。 彼女が州外の大学に転校したとき、 僕は彼女の不在を感じ、悲しくなった。 僕は日本の女の子と結婚したが、アイルランドの女の子との友情を永遠に保ちたいと思っていた. 僕はいつもとても孤独なオタクだったが、黒髪の2人の美しくて素敵な外国人の女の子の間の三角関係に陥っていた. これは24年前…
My new Linux desktop for April 2023

I’ve changed my desktop wallpaper. Here’s what it looks like now. Some side street in Japan. I cannot recall if this came with my distro or if I found it somewhere on the net.
Will you get down on your knees right now and accept Linux as your personal computer’s operating system and renounce the demons of Gates and Cook? Hallelujah!
Nazi R2-D2

This bizarre plastic model kit by Imai comes from the days when Japan blatantly plagiarized stuff. Here is the “Command Robot VR-1” kit from their “Star Command” series, also known as “Nazi R2-D2.” I’ve actually seen this kit in person (at an IPMS show in Phoenix) and it comes with swastika decals. Sieg heil, you overweight glob of grease.
A father/daughter picnic under the cherry blossoms

Today I took the day off to spend with my daughter. Every year we do a father/daughter picnic under the cherry blossoms (sakura) for flower viewing (o-hanami). We went to Family Mart to buy sandwiches and walked to the small river lined with cherry trees. A pleasant pedestrian path runs alongside, with the blossoms overhead. We had a picnic in the gazebo there. When the wind picked up, it would shower flower petals on us as we walked along the river. It was a beautiful day.