Murtop, a clever neo-retro ’80s-style arcade game on Steam

I recently discovered a game publisher called Flynn’s Arcade (awesome name!). Basically, the game is a cross between Dig Dug and Bomberman. You play as a bunny rabbit that poops bombs. And no, I’m not being silly. the game actually says that you poop bombs by pressing the button!

The object of the game is to kill all of the enemies on screen before the timer runs out, and you get bonus points for eating the four carrots on each screen. Press the button to drop a bomb behind you. It’s not like Bomberman where you drop a bomb right where you are, but rather behind your bunny. The delay is very swift, so you must move quickly. You can also dislodge rocks to have them fall on the enemies. Points multiply when you kill more than one enemy.

The emulated CRT scanlines are great in this game. Sometimes these faux retro games go overboard with the scanlines, but they look nice in this game. The game is available for Steam OS, so it runs natively on Linux and Steam Deck. Last year, I discovered Annalynn. Murtop is another such fantastic neo-retro arcade game. Play it or else you suck!

“Everyone Knows” by Slowdive

What I love about Slowdive’s lyrics is that you can attach your own memories and just let the emotions ride. This woman used old Super 8 home video footage to convey not so much the story of the song, but the bittersweet nostalgia the lyrics imply. This is another of my Japanese translation attempts. It’s easier to translate from Japanese to English than it is the other way around for me.

You’re so beautiful
But you only knew
I see
But I don’t know where you’ve been
But you’re holding back
Just holding
You say you’re fine
Going to America

You made a plan
You can’t stay with me
Take me to the place you love
Take me to America

You say you’re fine
I don’t know anymore
Say you’re mine
Take me to America
You can take it slow
Just pack me up
Take me to the place you love
Take me to America




Assault Suit Leynos, a remake of the classic Megadrive game (called Target Earth on the Genesis) on Steam

Masaya’s “Assault Suit” series of side-scrolling mecha combat action games is fantastic. My first exposure to the series was Assault Suit Valken, aka “Cybernator” for North America, on the Super Nintendo. I played the crap out of that game, and then I later got Target: Earth for my Genesis. But Valken/Cybernator’s control was fantastic due to the extra buttons of the Super Famicom/Super Nintendo. Playing Target: Earth/Leynos with only 3 buttons, plus the inferior graphics, did not help me to enjoy the game much. I’ve played it again more recently on my Megadrive Mini, and it still just doesn’t play as well as it could, if only there were more buttons. I did, however, play Assault Suits Leynos 2 on the Saturn quite a lot and completed it.

So this is a remake of Leynos on Steam, and it is fantastic. It features Japanese voice acting for when the anime-style characters speak. For some dumb reason, the anime characters were removed for the North American Cybernator port, and I did a review of that game on my old Super Famicom page here. With extra shoulder buttons, this game plays very well. Of course it retains the 2D gameplay, but with updated graphics and beautiful lighting effects.

The game has mixed reviews on Steam, but I suspect that many are from people who are unfamiliar with the original game. I rather enjoyed it, and I waited for it to go on sale before nabbing it. Definitely give it a try if you are a fan of the series.

Happy Mother’s Day

Hope you had a nice Mother’s Day. This Spy Family ad for Ghana Chocolate says, “Sometimes Mom coddles me too.”

Automated Dalek waiter robots in Japan

Crap. We’re doomed. So in the past few years, these robot waiters have proliferated here in Japan. With all this talk of AI, maybe it’s only a matter of time before these become self aware and decide to revolt against humans.

So the Chinese restaurant chain Bamiyan (owned by the Gusto/Skylark group which also owns the Yume-An Japanese restaurant chain) has this completely FAWESOME Taiwanese fry bread topped with vanilla ice cream and smothered in honey, and it reminds me of the sopapillas back home in Arizona I miss so much (which can only be found in Arizona and New Mexico). Ulan and I discovered this on their dessert menu in April and holy crap, I just want to eat that every week now.

What scares me is this robot that served us. It’s like a cross between a Dalek from Doctor Who and R2-D2 from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (back when Star Wars was cool).

I kept expecting it to exclaim, “EXTERMINATE!” Every time it came to our table, I tell Ulan, “Ohmygosh, it’s come back to kill us again!” But really if you think of it, how delightful it would be to be murdered by such an adorable robot. It even has a cute face and what resembles cat ears. How sweet.

But just think… once these robot servers become more advanced, we’ll have to face something more frightening. This man in the picture above didn’t leave a good enough tip, so now his robot waiter is murdering him to death in the parking lot. The man is obviously not having a good day. Of course, this won’t be a problem here in Japan since there is no tipping, but who knows what the future has in store?

And of course, we ordered milk tea boba drinks (called “tapioca” drinks here in Japan, despite these actually not being tapioca). Ulan loves these, and unfortunately the Mini Stop convenience stores no longer serve boba drinks and it sucks. But at least Bamiyan serves them. Happy Ulan is happy.

She bangs the drums

Ulan-chan’s brass band performed for a street festival in town on April 29th. They played three anime songs. Mayu and I snuck around to the back of the stage to get a good view of her. Here’s the video I took. Enjoy!

Ulan-chan’s 15th birthday

Today is May 5th, Children’s Day in Japan. It’s also my daughter Ulan’s birthday! This lucky girl has her birthday on a national holiday. So the picture above is a cake for Children’s day (Kodomo no Hi) for the rest of the family to enjoy, and this was her own personal birthday cake:

Here’s the neat crap she got for her birthday. I got her a Dragon Quest Slime pillow with some Chiikawa character stuff. Chiikawa is some new cute character animation she’s really into and watches the videos on YouTube. I think it’s boring, but whatever. Happy girl is happy. We love you, Ulan-chan.

Oh yes, and while we were having cake, a mag 6 earthquake hit Ishikawa Prefecture, right on the peninsula. Klaxons were going off and there was even a countdown to what was supposed to be a mag 3 here, but we couldn’t feel a thing.

Exercising our 2nd Amendment rights on aluminum cans

I was going through a box of photos and found this picture of two right wing terrorists massacring some aluminum cans. This was over two decades ago! I believe this was autumn 2002, after we had moved back from Japan that August. My uncle Gary took us to his favorite spot called Yellow Jacket off of the Black Canyon Highway and Mayu got to shoot my .22 rifle. I still had some hair then. I think we had a picnic and it was a fun day. The only ones who didn’t enjoy themselves that day were the aluminum cans.

Here is Mayu with Uncle Gary. She enjoyed shooting that day.

The neat thing about Yellow Jacket is that the soil has washed away underneath the tree roots, so the trees just stand up from out of the ground. It’s pretty wild. Here is Mayu sitting underneath one of the trees.