The Georgia Guidestones have been demolished!

Today is July 7th in Japan, and I woke up to some rather interesting news a friend had sent me via email. Some madlad had managed to detonate a bomb, demolishing one of the slabs of the Georgia Guidestones. Since then, it was ordered to be demolished and a backhoe knocked the rest of it down.

The Liberal World Order be like, “Someone set us up the bomb!” So who was responsible? It’s safe to say that the culprits were not Antifa or BLM, aka Soros’s Uruk-Hai Foot Clan. They prattle on about toppling “monuments of oppression,” but they aren’t interested in taking down the one monument that symbolizes the actual oppression of all of humanity. No, they’d rather topple a monument dedicated to Melvil Dewey, the man who invented the Dewey Decimal System, because… reading is racist or something. It seems that nobody was seen actually setting off a bomb, so… I blame climate change. Or maybe it’s Sudden Monument Death Syndrome.

Bill Gates must be soaking his pillow in tears right now. No amount of kiddie porn can cheer him up at this point. I’m on Gab this morning and there is so much rejoicing over this.

If you are reading this and you do not know what the Georgia Guidestones were, it was basically like the Ten Commandments for the New World Order. The funder remains a mystery, but legend has it that Ted Turner was behind it, especially since he’s a big elite from Georgia. It states:

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

One can argue that the part about “let all nations rule internally” could argue against the New World Order to be a top-down, authoritative, one-world government that should dispose of national leaders. I can concede on that, but it is obvious that the likes of Klaus Schwab want national leaders to bend to his will. Much of the guidelines is the typical environmentalist “humanity is a cancer” stuff, but the worst one is the first on the list: “Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature.” That means that 7+ billion people have got to go. This is a monument to world depopulation. There is no Christian notion of humanity improving nature by being a steward to the world. While we should indeed eliminate pollution, litter, and so on, the typical environmentalist ideology ignores how nature can thrive under the care of humanity, how we can cultivate forests to help them flourish. For example, pruning forests to prevent the spread of forest fires. No, this is the pessimistic approach that assumes that nature is better off left untouched by humans, so therefore the fewer humans, the better. This is why the second on the list is about limiting reproduction. Depopulation and abortion is what gives Bill Gates a boner more than hurting kids can.

Therefore, I do not trust any elitists with this attitude to provide “fair laws and just courts.” It is difficult not to associate this monument with forced vaccinations which kill people in many different ways. I would not advocate for actions like this vandalism and would rather the monument be removed by the will of the people through proper, official action. Still, I am glad to see this was destroyed and that nobody was hurt.

Closet racist libtards are ree’ing over Judge Thomas.

Silly moonbat. Doesn’t them/thar know that you just have to put the word “house” before the N-word and it somehow protects you and makes everything okay? That’s pretty much LIB101. They constantly call blacks the N-word but somehow they are safe if they put the word “house” before it. Then this person followed up with “b-b-but I’m not rayshist” and deleted them/thar’s tweet. Sheesh.

R2-D2 by Claude Monet

The Dall-E image generator allows you to create images as though they were painted by famous painters. My friend Brian did Ryu from Street Fighter as painted by Picasso, and Hillary Clinton as painted by Rembrant. I gave it a shot with Darth Maul painted by Georges Seurat and it looks pretty cool. I entered R2-D2 by Claude Monet and these pictures are beautiful.

It looks like Artoo is having a nice day by the waterside. That’s nice.

BONUS: Indiana Jones, as painted by Vincent Van Gogh.


I found a funny cat pic on Gab over the weekend, and decided to give it a Street Fighter II flair.

CAT VADER! Having fun with the Dall-E image generator.

My friend Brian told me about the Dall-E AI-driven automatic image generator recently. The first thing I tried was Bob Saget on a pogo stick, and that did not work out so well. I tried a few other concepts (I’ll show those in a bit), but the best so far is “Cat Vader.” These turned out wonderful!

Alright, so this one is a bit weird.
“Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as Vader and pet!”

Doing “Joe Biden Potato Head” turned out a few good results.

Here’s Biden with a facehugger.

And here’s Super Mario Trump:


Tom Cruise in a cow suit:

And why not? Here is AOC in a chicken suit. It worked even though I misspelled the stupid bitch’s name.

Klaus Schwab and the Eye of Sauron:

Then I tried George Soros as Gollum. Looks pretty much like he always does. I can’t spot any differences.

Justin Turdpole as Data from Star Trek:


OK, last one, I swear. Elmo in a blender:

Fun times. Perhaps this AI will gain sentience and eventually decide to eliminate mankind… excuse me, HUMANKIND (thanks Justin-chan), but whatever.

This is so obvious that I can’t imagine those pushing for electric cars even take it seriously. They just want people to suffer regardless.

Electric cars don’t just run on happy thoughts, rainbows, and wishful thinking. Mr. Sniffy knows this, as brain-impaired as he is. It’s why there is an effort to eliminate oil production as well as efficient energy sources. They push for centuries-old windmill technology and ridiculous seas of glass from inefficient solar panels, both are eyesores and neither of which functions well during winter. Meanwhile, those who have developed Nikolai Tesla’s energy systems are persecuted (or worse).

Super Hydorah: a fun Konami-style shmup on Steam

I’ve had this game on my Steam wishlist for a while, and as soon as it went on sale this month, I bought it. It has a “silver” rating on the Proton Database, but after installing it, I had no problems running the game at all on my Linux desktop, without having to make changes.

Super Hydorah is obviously inspired by Konami side-scrolling shmups like Gradius and Salamander, but doesn’t try too hard to duplicate these games. The game features simulated CRT scanlines that look nice. Usually I opt to not enable such a feature because it just doesn’t look right for some reason.

Right off, you can see that this is not exactly a Gradius clone. You can start the game in which shields protect you three times but you only get half a score, or a shield that protects you only once but you get full points.

As soon as the game starts, it looks exactly as you’d expect from a Konami-inspired shmup. Weapon powerups, however, are handled differently. You can slowly charge up your shot to become a double shot (fortunately it’s autofire), but don’t expect any bombs until level 2.

The first boss is a creepy eyeball with tentacles, fairly reminiscent of the first boss in Salamander.

After you clear a stage, it brings you to the Mission Select screen. Apparently after the second level, divergent routes can be selected.

Now you can equip your fighter with bombs and missiles.

The second level presents a twist: here are human buildings you must not destroy, lest you be docked 2,000 points per building! Space insurance must be at a premium.The bombs are launched along with your regular shot, so be careful. They take several hits before they are destroyed. Hold your fire and shoot only when you are clear to do so.

I’ve only played the game for about an hour, and have yet to get past level 2’s mid-boss. So far, it’s pretty great. I just noticed that the stupid mouse cursor shows up in these screenshots! Nuts.

My nerd cave late at night.

Here is my hobby room, late at night. This is where I keep my retro game collection, my plastic models and hobby bench, and my Linux desktop. You can see my Pac-Man lamps, my Dragon Quest Slime lamp, and on the wall my Pac-Man LED neon lamp. The pixel art is done with iron beads. The posters from left to right are: Puyo Puyo 2 (SFC), Cardcaptor Sakura Tetris (PS1), Bubblegum Crisis, Sakura Taisen (Sat), and Dead or Alive 2 (DC).