The biggest hoax in history was perpetrated on this day, 22 years ago.

Not many people know what happened just the day before on September 10th, when Rumsfeld announced that the pentagon was mysteriously missing 2.3 trillion dollars. Then the next day, the Budget Analysis department of the Pentagon was supposedly hit by an airplane with magically disappearing wreckage, fitting into a considerably smaller hole with no damage from its wings.

After so many years have passed however, more and more people are waking up to the hoax that a bunch of rotten cavemen Muslim terrorists with magical box cutters who couldn’t even fly a Cessna could somehow perform expert aerial maneuvers in commercial airliners and cause them to slice through buildings like hot knives through butter and that Building 7 just magically evaporated, even though it wasn’t even struck by an airplane. That one never made sense to me, even back then.

As for myself, it was in 2013 when an Australian friend of mine challenged me to find footage of a plane hitting the Pentagon. It is the most highly-guarded building in the USA, so surely there must be a ton of cameras pointed at it, right? All I could find is a low-framerate video feed showing a small streak and then an explosion. Not big enough to be an actual plane. And after the explosion, there was no burning hulk of a plane with its tail sticking out of the building. The plane just vanished somehow. Bullcrap. The laughing Sandy Hook “father” was my first big wake up call to make me realize that we are being lied to, then the Pentagon and Building 7 thing is what really cemented the whole “conspiracy theorist” into my personality. I’m not a “conspiracy theorist.” I just don’t appreciate being lied to.

As far as the angry cavemen who cling to a cult created by a 7th century pedo psychopath, I’m not so much angry at hornets stinging people because that’s what hornets do. My focus is on those poking the hornets’ nest and using them as an excuse to start wars and invade countries.