So June is “Pride Month.” What other months can we celebrate?
Greed Month. Well, that’s pretty much every month.
Lust Month. “Illicit sexual desire.” That ties in with Pride Month, I guess. Lots of overlap there.
Envy Month. I guess that’s every month.
Gluttony Month. Gosh, I guess this is every month too.
Wrath Month. Yikes.
Sloth Month. Well, I guess that depends on the individual.
So if we celebrate Pride Month, why not celebrate any of the other 6 deadly sins people indulge in? I can’t imagine a Sloth Parade prepared for Sloth Month though. Everyone would be too lazy to participate. Gluttony Month… I can only imagine that would be filled with those disgusting hotdog eating contests and such. I guess Greed Month is kicked off every year with Black Friday, turning Christmas from a solemn, joyous celebration of faith and family in the name of Christ into one of blatant commercialism in the name of Santa Claus.