Clever COVID agit-prop spoof posters

Recently, a villainous cunt named Emily Oster wrote a crappy proposal in The Atlantic to “let bygones be bygones” and plead for amnesty for all the totalitarian, leftist Covidiots who are responsible for countless lives ruined, suicides, and deaths by the poisonous injections causing heart attacks and more. No. Nuh-uh. Get bent.

These are some agit-prop posters I downloaded earlier this year that emulate typical leftist propaganda bullshit posters. These fully illustrate the attitudes of those who are now claiming they “just didn’t know any better” at the time.

Just remember, those who are now pleading for forgiveness are people who were like this:

No apologies accepted. There will be no forgive and forget. These people need to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0. From the average idiot leftist who ever said, “OMG! It’s a perfectly healthy person who is NOT wearing a mask! I don’t want to DIE!”,to the way up to the people in charge making the absurd policies, to those creating new viruses in China, Ukraine, and now Massachusetts (I hate spelling that state’s name), there is zero excuse for anyone claiming “Hey, we didn’t know any better.” BS!