A wild Delorean appears!

My Serbian friend Aleksandar took these pictures in Novi Sad, near his college. It had just rained.

Incidentally, I had found a Delorean in the wild once, at a shopping center in Scottsdale, AZ in 2009. This was when we still lived in America. The man was kind to let me take a picture, so he posed with his car.

But wait… there’s more! In my first year living in Japan, in 2012 Christopher Lloyd visited a movie theater in Shizuoka City for autographs. I had him sign my Back to the Future DVD. In front of the theater, a Delorean time machine replica was parked. The interior is replicated, but the exterior is a normal Delorean and it doesn’t have the big vents in the back.Here are the pics.

Complete with time circuits!

A Flux Capacitor!

There was even a Mattel Hover board.

This was inside where Mr. Lloyd was autographing.

Here he is signing my DVD box set. One of my treasures!