CAT VADER! Having fun with the Dall-E image generator.

My friend Brian told me about the Dall-E AI-driven automatic image generator recently. The first thing I tried was Bob Saget on a pogo stick, and that did not work out so well. I tried a few other concepts (I’ll show those in a bit), but the best so far is “Cat Vader.” These turned out wonderful!

Alright, so this one is a bit weird.
“Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as Vader and pet!”

Doing “Joe Biden Potato Head” turned out a few good results.

Here’s Biden with a facehugger.

And here’s Super Mario Trump:


Tom Cruise in a cow suit:

And why not? Here is AOC in a chicken suit. It worked even though I misspelled the stupid bitch’s name.

Klaus Schwab and the Eye of Sauron:

Then I tried George Soros as Gollum. Looks pretty much like he always does. I can’t spot any differences.

Justin Turdpole as Data from Star Trek:


OK, last one, I swear. Elmo in a blender:

Fun times. Perhaps this AI will gain sentience and eventually decide to eliminate mankind… excuse me, HUMANKIND (thanks Justin-chan), but whatever.