I’d like to mention the Nayirah testimony from 1990. Maybe you are familiar with it. If not, you can look it up. A young Kuwaiti girl named Nayirah gave a testimony to the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus, claiming that Iraqi soldiers were taking babies from incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor. The problem is that Nayirah’s full name was Nayirah Al-Sabah, who was actually the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to America and she did not witness any of this happening as she claimed, because she was in the USA. It was all a lie, but that fake sob story was one of the biggest factors that drove the USA to war in the Gulf.
The situation in Ukraine is not as simple as you are led to believe, but people are bombarded with propaganda to incite an emotional response rather than a rational response. Unlike in 1990 though, we have the internet to connect with each other and debunk the demagoguery and fake news. The problem in the Ukraine is that the violence has been going on for years already in Ukraine, but this has been widely ignored by the West. You are correct in that Ukraine is a sovereign nation, but a George Soros-backed color revolution in 2014 ended that. Molotov-cocktail flinging mobs of thugs drove out the duly elected president out of Ukraine while waving portraits of Stepan Bandera, who was Hitler’s collaborator in Ukraine. These are the ones that the Obama administration were backing to take over the Ukrainian government. During WWII, many Ukrainians welcomed the Nazis as liberators since they hated the Soviets. This Nazi ideology has gone on for generations, and they still wave swastikas to this day. The symbol of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion is an amalgamation of two Nazi symbols: the Black Sun and the SS mark. You can clearly see these on their arm patches, vehicles, etc.

Viktor Yanukovych was the Ukrainian president this violent mob deposed. This was a man who sought good relations with Russia, pushed back on the IMF, and rejected US corporate interests such as Monsanto. The Neo-Nazi thugs saw to it that Soros and corporate American interests were pleased, and Ukraine has been the center of terrible corruption ever since then, with Hunter Biden having a job on the board of Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm there. This Neo-Nazi group has been shelling ethnic Russians in Donetsk and Luhansk for years now. These two provinces are now breakaway republics. For the same reason Ukraine wanted to claim independence from the USSR, these two republics wish to claim independence from the Ukrainians whom they have been fighting with for years. Russia has stepped in to stop the genocide.
Nazis are not Canadian truckers who want freedom, nor are they fat bikers with American flag T-shirts with their Mexican wives, nor are they parents who speak out at school board meetings because they do not wish their children to be taught to hate themselves for being white or to have LGBTQP issues shoved in their children’s faces. Those who accuse them of being so are directly supporting actual Nazis in Ukraine and have done so ever since the USA put them into power. Here is the deal: many Ukrainians don’t like these jerks either. Zelenski was elected as a populist (and Jewish even), but one man alone cannot drain the hideous swamp of corruption alone, especially when very powerful people in America are nurturing the corruption. I’d like to believe that Zelenski is a good man, but at this point I am siding with Putin as he is the one the corrupt American politicians, banksters, and corporate media all hate the most.
Putin was very clear that he does not want Ukraine, and that his goal is to allow The LPR and DPR to claim independence, stop the genocide being waged upon them, and to “de-Nazify” the country. I hope he is telling the truth. But regardless of whether Putin is an angel or a devil, this constant military intervention has worn thin. Putin is striking against the rotten people that the Obama/Soros color revolution instated.

Additionally, Russia apparently targeted US-run biolabs from the very first day. The authoritarian news has claimed that this is not true, while at the same time claiming that attacks on such facilities could trigger massive illness outbreaks. These biolabs have not only been listed on public record, but the people of Ukraine have been petitioning their government to have them shut down for years already, and now the US Embassy in Ukraine have removed the documentation on these places. Yeah if I was to invade a country, the first thing I’d take out are the “animal health labs.” Something is definitely going on beneath the surface, and it is quite possible that Russia just saved us from something much worse than the virus that came from the Wuhan lab.
If you look at it just at the surface, there really was nothing to gain from Russia striking Ukraine. Russia is now nearly universally vilified, and their economy has taken a heavy blow. If you believe the propaganda media and think that Putin is just attacking Ukraine just because he doesn’t like them or whatever, then he has got to be the stupidest president. Putin has kicked out the central banksters from his country, opposes the sexualization of children, has very harsh punishments for convicted pedos, and emphasizes faith and family. He’s not a saint himself and I don’t like a lot of his actions, but he is fighting against this “New World Order” and has spoken against it repeatedly. I think both the Left and the Right in the USA have it completely wrong about Putin. My hunch is that he’s just saved the world from the next manufactured pandemic.
So no, I don’t stand with Ukraine, a country overrun by Neo-Nazis and that has been murdering ethnic Russians for years.