Japanese bra Engrish lulz

This is too funny. Mayu and I were at the drug store and found these bras with the ridiculous ENGRISH descriptions. We had a good laugh. People in Japan generally don’t understand English, and those responsible for the packaging of these items obviously do not either. Let’s start with the night time bra.

“Bust care while sleeping. Keep bust and side meat down.”

I’m sorry… what? Side meat? Keep it down? No, keep it in the fridge. That’s tomorrow’s dinner.

“This bra is just put on and a fat of a side and back is pulled.”

Well yeah, so you say it’s just put on, right? But that’s when it gets complicated. “A fat of a side?” Who are you calling fat? And your back is pulled? What’s going on again? I’m confused now.

This is what happens when you use a foreign language for decoration. Especially when you use Google Translate or something because you don’t know the language. There are stories like that one tattoo artist who was tattooing “spicy tofu” onto vapid people who didn’t know crap about Chinese characters but wanted to get permanently tattooed because they are vacuous trendies. Guys like that are heroes as far as I care.