Hobbies. Life. Philosophy. Japanese culture. Otaku culture. Science Fiction. Anime. Manga. Video games. Plastic models. Photography. Fish named Steve. Enjoy.

Hi, I'm Greg. I live in Japan. I've had this homepage since 1995. I don't have a FaceBook account, nor will I ever have one. I prefer to have a table of contents-driven homepage, and this homepage is focused on my hobbies and life experiences. This is also a nexus point to my various social media accounts (except for FaceBook, of course). I guess you can say I am stuck in the retro '90s homepage aesthetic. This site also acts as a guide to my presence elsewhere on the net.

It's a new year. 2024 is perhaps a crucial year for not only the United States but for the world. A populist uprising is underway, and evil and corruption is being exposed. It has never been more obvious that corrupt corporations have co-opted science. I pray that this will collapse.

I expect that 2024 is when people will make a stand and reject tyranny. Reject the unelected oligarchs of the World Economic Forum who are calling for a culling of the world population and for everyone to become slaves to globalist banksters. Through unnecessary wars, man-made viruses and fraudulent climate scares, these are the people who seek to enslave us. May the spirit of liberty prevail worldwide. May justice prevail and restore this broken world. Amen.

Welcome to Greg's Neat-O Homepage


My personal info, with my tastes, favorite stuff, etc.

Greg's Life is where I post essays on life experiences, thoughts, philosophies, and photo galleries with plenty of random geekiness, stuff on Japan, hobbies, toys, video games, and bizarre stuff. Recent essay highligts include #127 Memoirs of a painfully shy, lovesick nerd, #129 Regarding my daughter's poisoning incident in 2020, #130 Serendipity! My dream came true: how I fell in love with and married my Japanese pen pal, #132 The magazine that started it all! Protoculture Addicts #22 inspired me to live and work in Japan, and #143 Memories of my college days at ASU West.

Greg's Stuff & Things is a space for adding quick stuff, whether it be thoughts on life, music, gaming, model builds, anime... anything really. This is a WordPress blog I created for smaller blurbs that I do not feel warrant an entire entry into the Greg's Life section. Also, I like the word "blurb" because it sounds funny.

Check out my anime and SF plastic model gallery.

Check out my Perler bead video game pixel artwork gallery

My own personal photostream page hosted on this site, powered by Lychee. I didn't want to pay for Flickr and I already pay for my own server, so I created my own personal photo site.

Here is the Linna Yamazaki Shrine!, one of the old '90s style anime character shrines you'd find on the Anime Turnpike. I actually inherited this shrine from someone else.

The Anime Super Famicom Web Resource Center is a guide to import games for the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom system.

The Anime PC Engine Super Game Review System is a similar page I started to create for the PC Engine game console. Maybe I'll get around to building it eventually.

The Masaya Fan Page is a project I started, dedicated to the old NCS/Masaya video game company. Another project that never really got off the ground.

This is my extremely outdated page for links. Many of these sites are from the bygone era of the "Wild West days" of the internet, from the '90s, back when the internet was decentralized. I should really spend time to update this.

External links:

Check out my Youtube channel and bask in my nerdy splendor.

Here is my Odysee channel, where I have begun uploading more content after YouTube issued me a stupid "community guidelines strike" for speaking about stuff that keeps being proven to be true. Note that all of my video content goes to Odysee, while only 80-90% of my content is on YouTube.

Here is my Tumblr page, home to my photo-based plastic model build updates and my feed for retro anime, retro gaming, science fiction, and other random nerd crap.

My Flickr photo stream of random stuff in Japan. I stopped updating this when I reached the maximum and they wanted me to start paying for beyond that.

My Pinterest page where I sometimes post pictures of Japan.

My Reddit account which I keep forgetting I have.

My Gab page. I like Gab a whole lot. It's comfy and I like it a lot better than Twitter. My Twitter account had been suspended a few times already for "hate speech" (lol), and when Twitter was congratulating themselves for censorship, they did not appreciate my sarcastic response and I was permanently suspended without a specific reason actually given. (I've petitioned to have my account unlocked and I'm still waiting for Elon's mass amnesty.) Groups I am active on Gab are Retro Palace (a place for '80s and '90s anime and gaming fandom) and Linux Users of Gab.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." --Romans 12:2
mail: greg -atsign- stevethefish -dot- net

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