COVID vaccines? No thanks. I identify as immune. My pronouns are im and mune. What? Don't attack my identity, you bigot! What are you, some sort of immunophobe?
We are now living in the dystopian world that Alex Jones has been warning us about for decades already. Up to now, the so-called "conspiracy theorists" are being proven correct far more often than the so-called "experts" are. These people are not so much "conspiracy theorists" but rather "people who already know what will become mainstream news later." The reality is that while people recognize there are common criminals who may be bank robbers and such, they refuse to realize that the most dangerous criminals are people in high positions of power. Indeed, these powerful people conspire to assert their will against the people and they do not have our best interests in mind.
I've been ranting about Bill Gates for a long time now. He is one of the main reasons why I switched to Linux. Know this: the man who could never rescue his own operating system from viruses is pretending to be the one who can rescue the world from viruses. He is a turbo-sperg son of a notorious eugenicist straight from Cold Spring Harbor (the birthplace of Nazi ideology) and was the head of Planned Parenthood. He basically plagiarized DOS and purchased Windows from Xerox. This is the same man who rocked back and forth like an autistic child while being questioned for his antitrust scandal for bundling Windows Explorer with his own Windows 98 OS and after that he reinvented himself with the fake persona of being a generous philanthropist who suddenly cares about everyone and their health. Not only that, but this is the same man who palled around with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, lied about it, and was caught lying about it. Bill Gates is showing the world that the scientific process can be circumvented if one has enough money and power. However, he was not the first to do so. JD Rockefeller was an oil tycoon who completely revamped the medical industry and standardized it in a way that kept patients sick (profitable) and heavily dependent on petroleum products (profitable). "A patient cured is a customer lost" is the motto of the Rockefeller Medicine paradigm as people in need of medical attention were no longer viewed as people to help, people to profit from. Why cure diabetes when you can rake in big money by selling insulin shots? A cure is a one-time deal, but you can make a fortune by selling treatments to stabilize a condition. So this is not a proactive approach to medicine like traditional Chinese medicinal philosophy which focuses on keeping people in good health, but rather a reactive approach in which they will wait until something goes wrong with you before treatment begins, and from there it will be an illness can be sustained and exploited for profit. Leftists want medical treatments that kill you to be "free" while conservatives would rather you pay lots of money to insurance companies to have the same medical treatments kill you. Either way, the medical treatments will kill you, and too many doctors are brainwashed by their medical training and just become drug pushers to medicate symptoms rather than than holistically treating people by looking at the body's system as a whole. What I am calling for is for the current modern Western medicine paradigm to be completely destroyed and rebuilt so that medical care will be focused on sustaining wellness rather than sustaining illness.
In fact, do a web search for "Rockefeller medicine" and be prepared to unlearn what you have learned about medicine. JD Rockefeller, along with the help of Andrew Carnegie, had people put in jail for standing up to him as he bought out medical universities and subjected doctors to his will. You can read a lot about what these bastards did at this link. He also founded the American Cancer Society, which is nothing but controlled opposition as they rake in money donated to help find cures for cancer, all while stifling real cancer research. There is just too much money in sustaining cancer rather than curing it. From what I am learning, it looks like we've had cures all along, but the corruption that has been institutionalized is what controlls the narrative.
And now we are at the point where vitamins are being demonized while poisonous vaccines filled with graphene oxide are promoted. Zinc and a naturally-occurring plant flavonol called quercetin has been proven to easily defeat COVID-19, and even more powerful is zinc with hydroxy chloroquine (HCQ) or ivermectin instead. But these are cheap, and if the world was using this, Big Pharma's vaccine industry stands to lose billions of dollars. Whether an actual "novel coronavirus" exists or if the whole thing was a hoax to begin with, really nobody needed to have died from "COVID." (Oh heck, most of the time I just call it "WuFlu" or "Corona-chan." I don't even like calling it COVID-19. More like "COVID-911," but I'll get to that later.)
Everything the so-called "experts" have recommended is completely stupid. "Social distancing" is absurd and completely useless as a virus can travel much further than some magical number like "two meters" or "six feet." Convicts were released from prison last year to make room for soccer moms who were arrested for taking their kids to the park to play. We were told to stay inside and stay couped up but this is also stupid. Fresh air, exercise, and vitamin D from plenty of sunshine is far healthier for one's immune system, and certainly wearing a mask that traps germs to one's face and decreases blood oxygen levels is not healthy, either. Yet people just believed this crap without question. Since my hobby is my favorite hobby, I am used to working with lacquer paint fumes and resin dust. To protect my lungs, I wear a 3M painting mask with the big cartridges on the sides and a face seal. I cannot even smell a fart while wearing that mask, yet even that is useless against viruses. the micrometers involved are just way too small. How are those ridiculous medical masks going to protect anyone? Viruses pass through the fibers as well as around the edge of the mask. Those medical masks are made to catch doctors' spittle while talking. They are nothing more than spit diapers for your face, and people think that these will somehow protect them from viral infections. Ridiculous.
COVID-19 has never been isolated.
People are ignorant about Koch's Postulates. Kock's postulates state that to prove the existence of a virus, it must be identifiable and transmissible. COVID-19 is neither. Was it ever a true virus or a spike protein created in the lab in Wuhan? Or was it stolen from Canada or the USA and worked on in Wuhan? Honestly it doesn't matter. Dr. Mike Adams, who runs the news website and analyzes vaccines in his own laboratory, has said that he has tried requesting a CRM (a Certified Reference Material) for the isolated COVID-19 coronavirus nanomaterial, but he was denied. It turns out that the virus has never been isolated, so a sample was never provided to the WHO or CDC, let alone the vaccine companies. When I first heard this months ago, I thought it was crazy talk. David Icke has made the claim that a "novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2" is a hoax and it never existed. Although I like a lot of what he says, I still have mixed feelings about him---especially since I cannot get on board with the whole "lizard people" thing. (Although frankly, if people like Hillary Clinton are guilty of only a third of what she's been accused of, I would be more comfortable with the idea that she's a reptilian wearing human skin rather than an actual person!)
In order to identify a new virus, samples must be taken from blood, phlegm, etc. from many people who must have very similar symptoms which must be unique from other illnesses. Okay, so what is unique about COVID? That it causes people to lose their sense of taste and smell? My older sister caught COVID-19 back in January and lost a week and a half of work. She refused ivermectin and decided to get over it on her own. She still has not recovered her sense of taste and smell, and I am learning that patients who were treated with ivermectin regain their senses more quickly. Okay, but ever since my wife Mayu was hit by a car in April 2019, she has lost her sense of taste and smell due to a concussion. At the time, two online friends told me that they had a similar loss of taste and smell senses from major illnesses. In my research on how I could help my wife get better, I've read stories going back to several years before from people telling their stories of how they became terribly sick and lost their sense of taste and smell. So we can't pretend that this is something new and unique all the sudden. And it just makes me wonder... My sister said she had a very bad headache for a few days when she got sick. I wonder if this WuFlu affects the same part of the brain where Mayu suffered her concussion? (As an aside, I've tried to get Mayu to take both alpha lipouic acid as well as serrapeptase, since it's said to heal scar tissues in the brain. But, she complains that the pills are too big to swallow, so she just gave up. She can taste sweet, bitter, salty, sour, and spicy, but the actual flavor is still lost to her. If I was in that situation, I'd be taking anything I can to get better. But, you can lead a horse to water, etc.)
So to determine a unique virus, without mixing the samples with any other genetic materials, the scientists then purify the virus. This is a common virology technique, but sloppy China did not do this. It turns out they put a bunch of other crap in there, like monkey kidney cells and human cancer cells---this is why the whole thing is a fraud. The process should enable the scientists to use an electron microscope to identify thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. This is the isolated virus, and is then further scrutinized. From there, healthy subjects (typically animals) are then exposed to the virus. If these subjects then get sick, this will then prove the transmissibility of the virus. Remember what I mentioned above about Koch's postulates? This is it. This was not done for this SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, WuFlu, Coof, or whatever the hell you want to call this. It was not done. Is it because it never existed, or is it because the virus is patented material and therefore is being protected from scrutiny? I don't know this. Be that as it may, no genome has been extracted and sequenced from an actual "COVID-19" virus. This is scientific fraud.
Yes, the TV shows a picture of what they claim is the coronavirus. At least here in Japan, they just use the same damn picture over and over again. Is it really a virus? I remember seeing a video on YouTube interviewing one scientist who said that what we are shown on TV resemble what he had identified as exosomes. Looking up pictures of exosomes on DuckDuckGo, the mystery virus does resemble exosomes. That video was stricken from YouTube though, because they do not have confidence in your ability to make up your own mind. Remember when liberals raged against censorship? Now they are the biggest advocates of censorship. So now the media just gaslights us all with that picture of what we just have to accept is a virus because the TV tells you. The Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels once said, "It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas in disguise."
Fearporn and ignorance.
All of this has been a constant barrage of 24/7 fear propaganda since the beginning of 2020. People no longer believe in their own bodies' ability to protect them from what is at best a severe cold virus that has a 99.9% survival rate, and they are scared. At the very outset of this nonsense, I heard my coworkers talking of the need of a vaccine to save us all. (I use the term "coworkers" lightly, since we all work at different schools or may share a school but work on alternating schedules. All but one of them are pleasant people, but they are all normies and it's a lost cause to try to have any decent conversation with them about any of this. There is only one guy who has an open mind and is not afraid of "conspiracy theories," but I digress.) Fortunately I do not have to see these people on a regular basis, but last year once they began cancelling school classes, we were all sitting at our desks at city hall. The attitude was, "There's nothing we can do until a vaccine can be made." I told them that the common cold is either a rhinovirus or a coronavirus, and there has never been a vaccine for the common cold. In fact, there has never been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus. The swine flu vaccine program in the '70s was called off when over 30 people died from it. There never was a vaccine for SARS (the precursor to COVID-19) because the test subjects died from that. I told them this, but I don't even know if it got through to them.
I cannot pretend to be a scientist, but I do know some things because I actually spend time to learn about this kind of stuff. I don't just subject myself to CNN and NYT to consider myself "educated." Your body is full of countless dead viruses your immune system has already taken care of. Viruses you never even got sick from. These dead viruses act like Post-It-Notes that are reminders for your body's immune system on how to deal with these viruses if ever you encounter them again. This is how immunity works. The corporate media keeps people in the dark about simple science like this. In June, a group of concerned parents sent their kids' face masks to a lab for analysis. The masks had been properly laundered, and after a day of wearing the masks, the masks were tested. Not only are these medical masks a chemical shitstorm strapped to people's faces that prevents proper oxygen getting to their brains (libtards?), but they constantly trap germs all day long. So what did they find on the kids' masks? Fungi, parasites, pneumonia-causing bacteria, strep, meningitis, tuberculosis, food poisoning, Legionnaire's Disease, staph, and so on. "Holy crap," says the brainwashed moron, "it's a good thing they were wearing those masks, otherwise they would certainly have died from all of those germs, OMG LOL!" Well, no. What this shows is how incredible our immune systems are at fighting all of these on a regular basis. Your body's T-cells are like miniature Jacky Chan blobs running around, killing these infections before you even feel most of them. I've never had Legionnaire's Disease or pneumonia, but I am certain that I have antibodies for them. Having a mother who suffered from leukemia for over 10 years, I learned a lot about how Staph can be found anywhere, at medical clinics, dental offices, buffet restaurants, anywhere. Our T-cells are simply "wax on, wax off" and we never get sick. It's only the immuno-compromised who are at risk of this stuff.
Clown world.
Look, I'm just a bald Star Wars nerd who plays video games and builds plastic models. I never went to medical school, but I can understand a lot of this crap. Why can't others? But here is the problem. Kid-Sniffer Joe Biden accuses people such as myself as being "anti-science." He says to "follow the science." Biden would be happy to have people arrested for not wearing masks or not socially distancing, but as you can see here, he cannot lead by example. In fact, none of these totalitarians in charge can lead by example. They are constantly breaking their own rules. Gavin "Gruesome" Newsom, Lori "Beetlejuice" Lightfoot, Gretchen "RBF" Whitmer, the Cuomosexual, ALL OF THEM have been caught with their "let them eat cake" attitudes going to maskless dinner parties where nobody is socially distancing, etc. The biggest "Fuck you, plebs" was Obama's hypocritical birthday party this month. I'm not saying that the Reublicans are all outstanding people, but at least they keep their disdain for the filthy peasants subtle. Democrats couldn't give a crap how hypocritical they appear.
Think about this. The same elites who sneer at you for driving cars and eating beef because it supposedly contributes to global warming fly around on private jets and are driven around in fuel-inefficient cars and talk about eating delicious beef. The same elites who say that you should never own a gun because you are too dangerous have armed bodyguards with guns. These same elites who call for the police to be abolished always turn to the police right away when they feel they are in danger. So when they call for everyone to become vaccinated, do you really think they are taking these vaccines themselves? Bill Gates tells everyone we need to give up eating beef while stating his favorite food is hamburgers. Obama wants you to believe in global warming, yet he bought a mansion right next to the water. Arnold Schwarzenegger prattles on about fossil fuels, yet he drives a Hummer. These people have great disdain for us. I will bet that these assholes are not getting vaccines, especially when they know what's in them. They may pose for a photo op while being injected with saline or something, but I doubt that they are allowing themselves to get poisoned.
We are living in Clown World. Look here, libtards. Here are some plain, basic truths you seem to have trouble processing.
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Why does the media constantly try to convince us otherwise?
When education gets in the way of common sense.
Here is where IQ can be rather overrated. Common sense, in my opinion, can be a far more important quality to keep one out of trouble. As a student, I was in the honors classes and I saw the behavior of these students with good grades. Debauchery, promiscuity, etc. There is a big difference between being smart and being wise, between knowledge and wisdom. (I think that fat space lizard from the '50s diner in Attack of the Clones said something like that. Dumb movie, but good quote.) We now see people with high IQs getting vaccinated, so therefore it must be the right thing to do, right? So here is something that people don't want to talk about. Philosopher Stefan Molyneaux was banned from the Big Tech social media platforms for stating that people from black African descent generally have lower IQs. Does that make him a white supremacist? Not really, because he also said repeatedly that East Asians generally have higher IQs than caucasians. Of course there are plenty of exceptions to these generalizations. The last time I took an IQ test, I scored 139. I still feel like an idiot most of the time. When it comes down to it, quite often IQ doesn't mean crap. The high IQ East Asians here in Japan are flocking to these genocidal clot shots. Brainwashed fools. It normally takes 10 years to develop a vaccine, but these mRNA clot shots were rushed out in less than 10 months, and this does not concern you? Meanwhile, blacks in the USA are refusing the vaccines and have a very low vaccination rate. Maybe it's because they know that this is the same CDC that oversaw the Tuskegee experiments, which injected black men with syphilis. Their goal was not to prove how something like penicilin can be used to treat syphilis. No, the goal of the study was to record data on what happens when syphilis goes untreated for as long as it can. So when creepy Bill and Melinda complain about how there are too many Africans in Africa or too many Indians in India, when they pretend to be so noble by claiming that they want to make sure that blacks get priority to get the poison shot, I can imagine any black person with common sense would completely refuse the vaccine. It's because quite often, people do not need a high IQ to have higher common sense than those who are supposedly smarter.
We are seeing how many doctors can be either complete villains or brainwashed minions. These people with high IQs who have spent a lot of money and worked hard many years to get their schooling with their and doctorate degrees, those assholes are the hardest to change their mind. These doctors who've become brainwashed by the modern Western medicine paradigm brought to us all by JD Rockefeller over 100 years ago. Holistic medical doctors were ousted from the mainstream. If they let some bald nerd in Japan sitting in his room full of models and games convince them that they are wrong about something that contradicts the long years and much money they spent to attain their higher education, then they'd have to admit that what they hold so dear to them is wrong. Nobody wants to admit that they could be mistaken, especially people with such a financial and time investment to their medical degrees. To accept truth means that they will have to admit that they were wrong, and highly educated people can be rather obstinate.
People who cherish their education the most are quite often the ones who are the most resistant to learning. Like Yoda said, "You must UNLEARN what you have learned" to become a Jedi. Taking the "red pill" is not about voting Republican, as Charlie Kirk will insist. No, just like Neo, once you take the red pill, you realize that you have been lied to about so much about life. These doctors with their degrees on their walls displayed like trophies would be damned if someone who never went to medical school know something they don't know. But often that is what I have done. It was health issues that started to wake me up. I was in my late 20s and by chance I was able to take a bone density scan on my foot at a health fair at work. Turns out I had borderline osteopoenia. The doctor gave me poisonous crap called Fosamax and I refused, telling him that I'd switch from the cycles to the treadmills and take high quality calcium supplements. He told me it would not do anything and a year later I proved him wrong. Then I began my journey on learning about the food industry and GMOs. Then I learned how Donald Rumsfeld was responsible for Aspartame while he worked at Searle, fluoride in the water, etc. Then later 9/11. It took a while, but to quote Dune, "The slow blade penetrates the shield."
Divide and conquer.
I try to ignore the stupid shit that liberals spew constantly. Trump tested positive for Corona-chan last year and they were like, "OMG I HOPE U DIE!" He turned out fine. Then recently Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, despite being double vaccinated and completely asymptomatic, tested positive and liberals responded with, "OMG I HOPE U DIE!" And when confronted with the realization that people refuse to be vaccinated, they consistently respond with, "OMG I HOPE U DIE!" Rather predictable behavior, even though everyone turns out fine afterwards. They never stop to consider that perhaps it's not that deadly of a virus after all, or that perhaps the testing is completely inaccurate. Their seething hatred has them wishing death on their ideological opponents. Leftists' "mostly peaceful protests" are consistently violent, yet they have to stage false flags like the Jussie Smollet fake hate crime or hijack that protest on January 6th with infiltrators to make it a false flag.
As I mentioned above, I have one coworker who is cool and I can discuss various things with him. "What do you know about the Schumann Resonance?" or "What's up with Antarctica?" I enjoy talking with him. I also mentioned that there is another coworker who is a bit of a shitlib. While I was talking to my cool coworker who sits on my right, I heard the jerk ask the guy who sits on my left, "So how does it feel to sit next to an unvaccinated person not wearing a mask?" Yes, I had removed my fearmask and was enjoying some tea. It's been obvious that the guy has hated me for years, ever since he learned that I voted for Trump in 2016 rather than the Butcher of Benghazi. What we are seeing is the vaccinated people pitted against the unvaccinated people, creating a segregationist society built on prejudice and intolerance. You know, like basically every other society infested with Leftism. If he has been vaccinated yet he is still fearful of getting sick, you'd think that he would realize that what he got was not a real vaccine at all. No, that would require common sense.
When will we have separate drinking fountains for the vaxxed and unvaxxed? Separate restrooms? We are already seeing the Leftist, anti-liberty ideology readily embracing these vaccine passports. Heck, Democrats have already resumed race-based segregation, this time under the banner of "critical race theory." They've gone from "we need segregation to keep you awful blacks away from us whites" to using the reverse psychology of "we need safe spaces to keep us awful whites away from you blacks." The end result is the same.
The elites in control want us to fight with each other instead of focusing our anger on them. I have talked about the Hegelian Dialectic several times on my YouTube/Odysee channel, and I made this video to discuss how it works. The Hegelian Dialectic is the classic formula:
Problem --> Reaction --> Solution
However when implemented by Marxists/Leftists/Globalists, what they do is they create a problem to drive people to the solution they have already predetermined. This Far Side comic illustrates the Hegelian Dialectic perfectly:
Do you get it? The glass company wants to increase sales, so they break the man's window, hoping to get the man to give them his business. Naturally it's just a funny joke, but let's think about this in terms of vaccines. At the very bare minimum, this WuFlu nonsense is a conspiracy to make billions of dollars for the vaccine companies. How? By creating a virus (problem) to scare everyone (reaction) so that they will take the vaccines (solution). Unfortunately, the situation is much darker than that, but I think this would be the most obvious part for normies who are afraid of "conspiracy theories" and make stupid comments about tinfoil hats to help make themselves feel good about being normies. They need assurances of their normalcy like a high school kid would.
The Hegelian Dialectic can also be used to pit groups of people against each other. They want us divided because when we are divided, we are weak. Divided we fight each other. Divided we pose no threat to their system of control. They want us divided by religion, race, sex, political affiliation, and class. When we are divided, and angry, and controlled, we target those different from us, not those responsible for our problems (the controllers). I mean really, how many people even know about the Rothschilds, or Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum? We are divided black against white, woman against man, gay against straight, and now even vaccinated against unvaccinated.
When that jerk coworker of mine made that snide comment about me being unvaccinated, I felt like saying, "Yeah, we unvaccinated people are filthy and full of diseases, plus we're often infested with lice." But he would not have even understood my meaning. He has completely succumbed to the Hegelian Dialectic. My policy is to not waste my time arguing with NPCs like him. He's not worth it, and a peabrain so gripped with anger like that would require a miracle from God to be set free. Break free from the mental conditioning. The only way to defeat the Hegelian Dialectic is to take yourself out of the equation. Don't give in to hate. The Emperor was not defeated until Luke Skywalker tossed his lightsaber aside.
"Follow the science," they say? Alright then.
Two vaccines and it's proven to be not only highly ineffective, but very dangerous. Blood clots, Bell's Palsey, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myocarditis, lymphadenopathy, appendicitis, herpes zoster (shingles)... not to mention that the fully-vaccinated people are the ones getting sick. The solution? "MOAR VACCINES, YOU BIGOTS! TAKE THE BOOSTER SHOT, YOU SLAVES!" Brilliant. There is a rather potent quote, attributed to Albert Einstein: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." So I am just an unscientific, knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. What the heck do I know? I'm an "anti-vaxxer" and therefore I am anti-science. We vaccine refusers have gone from "irresponsible" to being compared to drunk drivers. Next we'll be accused of being terrorists. So why am I a skeptic about these vaccines? The deal is that there are many accomplished immunologists, virologists, and vaccinologists that are completely against these vaccines, but the corporate media has kept all of this information from people. Where do I get my information from?
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a Nobel Science Prize nominee who has successfully treated over 6,000 patients with hydroxy chloroquine (HCQ), including Trump's administration and Brazil's President Bolsonaro. Through HCQ, he was able to prevent something like 85% of his patients from being hospitalized. You'd think the man would be hailed as a hero, but the corporate media ignores him. His testimony defies the narrative, and he is also sounding the alarm that we are on the brink of world-wide genocide.
Dr. Satoshi Omura is the inventor of ivermectin and won the Nobel Science Prize for his works. Ivermectin has been proven to be extremely effective in curing COVID-19. You'd think that Japan would be proud of this man and hail him as the savior of the world from this so-called "pandemic." No, the media here ignores him and YouTube removed a livestream in which Dr. Omura was discussing ivermectin's use in combatting COVID.
Dr. Kary Mullis won the Nobel Science Prize for inventing the PCR device. The media goes on and on about "PCR tests," but is it really a test? No, Dr. Mullis stated repeatedly that the PCR is only a tool for studying DNA through its amplificatin process and was adamantly against it being used as a diagnosis tool to determine if someone was sick or not. He said that after a certain number of cycles, the PCR becomes useless due to contamination, picking up dead viral nanomaterial. The testing labs have been using the PCR way above its cycle threshhold, giving false positives. Just this month, the CDC admitted that the PCR cannot distinguish between Corona-chan and influenza. Score another win for conspiracy theorists, because this is what we've been saying for quite a while now. So if it cannot differentiate between Corona-chan and influenza, how can it distinguish Corona-chan and the so-called "delta variant"? It can't, and there is no testing for that. Why isn't Dr. Mullis around to make an argument? Oh that's right... he died from pneumonia just months before Bill Gates's "Event 201" which was the template for this whole WuFlu scare. Gee, how convenient for Dr. Fauci that the highly-intelligent man who was challenging him to the debate stage and had vowed to expose him for the absolute fraud that he is died like that, right before this whole virus hoax psy-op. It's not like there is a way to make people die like that. It's not like the heart attack gun was shown to everyone during the Church Committee in the '70s. Even if you can give someone a heart attack with such a gun, certainly there's no way of making it so that it could have people die from pneumonia, right?
Professor Luc Montagnier is the man who won the Nobel Prize for identifying the HIV virus. He has stated that the vaccines are leaky and are a very bad "mistake." I put that in quotes because it isn't a mistake and is quite intentional, but you can come to your own conclusions. And by "leaky" what he means is you can still get sick if vaccinated and you can still transmit it if vaccinated. Sloppy!skin s Like I said, the vaccines have created the delta. Don't take my word for it though. Listen to what the Nobel Prize Winner says about how the vaccines are creating the variants. This is the man who identified the HIV virus, but now the corporate media claims that he is somehow "discredited." He states that the mass vaccination program is an "enormous mistake" and a "medical error" because "it is the vaccination that is creating the variants."
Dr. Peter McCullough has made over a thousand peer-reviewed medical papers and is a very established doctor. He is in no way an "anti-vaxxer" nor does he believe that the vaccines are deliberately designed to kill people. But he has pushed for these vaccines to be halted immediately and advocates for natural, robust immunity. He has been firm that COVID-19 is NOT spread asymptomatically, that asymptomatic people should NOT be tested, that any variant can be easily treated at home, and that these vaccines are absolete and are unfit for human use. Moreover, he has been in contact with CDC whistleblowers who are saying that the 11,000 reported deaths in the CDC's VAERS website is actually upwards of 45,000. So it is easy to see why the corporate media and Big Tech like YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, etc are out to discredit him and accuse him of spreading "misinformation."
Dr. Zelenko is Jewish and he lost family members to the Holocaust. He is convinced that a new genocide is already underway through the vaccines. But this isn't based on Antisemitism or anything race-based, for the most part. It's worse than that. And already internment camps are being set up and utilized with more on the way. Dr. Zelenko has successfully treated thousands of patients and has kept them from being hospitalized.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is also warning everyone about these vaccines. But according to Snopes, somehow the world's leading vaccinologist is now somehow "anti-vaccination." Funny how that works.
Dr. David Martin is the scientist who has analyzed the patents of these viruses for the past 20+ years. He has determined that these are man-made, patented biological weapons. His warning is very simple: this is NOT a vaccine.
Dr. Mike Yeadon is the former VP of Pfizer and was their top research scientist. He has quite a long history working on vaccines, and he is telling everyone to avoid this vaccine. He said that there is a definite pattern of world governments conspiring together, or what he calls "convergent opportunism." He is warning people to avoid these clot shots. This man used to be the VP of Pfizer and people will not listen to him?
Dr. Jane Ruby is a former Pfizer employee and she has confirmed the findings of the Spanish scientists regarding graphene oxide contained in the vaccines.
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technolgy himself, and he is telling people not to take the vaccine! Seriously, HOLY SHIT the actual inventor of the mRNA technology himself is telling you not to take the mRNA vaccine! What more do you want?
It's all a false flag hoax.
We're coming up on the 20th memorial of 9/11, in which the World Trade Center twin towers collapsed at freefall speeds and Building 7 magically collapsed the same way, even though it wasn't even hit by a plane. But neither was the Pentagon, which had a hole a plane could not have fit into. The whole thing was fake and was used as an excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which were responsible for it. My friend in Saudi Arabia says that everyone there knows that it involved several people from their own country, but they watched America invade those other countries on false pretenses. But COVID-19 is an even huger hoax than 9/11. Simple cures were known from the beginning, but these were censored and withheld from the public. Even Fauci's own organization had written findings on HCQ's efficacy, but that was completely disregarded. Nobody needed to have died from any of this and since the virus has never been isolated, China just gave data cobbled together from various other viruses so that the tests would pick up false positives. It doesn't even matter if there was a real virus to begin with; if China took gene sequences from the common cold and influenza viruses, people being tested for COVID-19 will show up as false positives. Thousands of people die from the flu every year, but they do not scare us with that because it is a known quantity. In fact, the number of deaths for 2020 was on par for any other year. They had to fudge the numbers to make it seem like WuFlu is deadly. But now that the sheep are taking vaccines that are wrecking their immune systems by permanently altering their DNA, they are setting the world up for a mass death.
All of this fearmongering has been over the notion of "give up your rights, you don't want grandparents to die, do you?" The lockdowns themselves have resulted in far more deaths than the virus in terms of suicides, undiagnosed cancers, and such. Keep in mind that a year ago in August 2020, the CDC even admitted that only 6% of the COVID deaths were from the virus alone, while the majority were from people with an average of 2-3 comorbidities and were bound to die regardless. Add to the numbers people who died in car accidents, fell off their roofs, etc and since they somehow tested positive from the fake tests, their deaths were listed as COVID.
I'll leave you with some some videos for you to watch.
UPDATE December 2021: It has been announced by Japan's ministry of health that discrimination against unvaccinated people is unlawful, as well as coercing people to take the vaccine. So far we are safe, but who knows what the future holds? For most Japanese people it seems that COVID has become a religion. Masks and vaccines are sacraments and symbols of faith. It's ridiculous.
Next: back to something more fun, a look at the model section of the Labi 1 in Takasaki.
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mail: greg -atsign- stevethefish -dot- net