Gundam Seed Astray Blue Frame

January 2014

This model has been done for quite a while, so I may as well just post it on here. I painted this with mostly Mr. Hobby Color spray paints: 02 Black, 107 Character White, and Gundam Color Spray 02 MS Blue. After using these, I realized that I am not a fan of Mr. Hobby spray paints. They do not apply as well as Tamiya spray paints (the bazooka and rifle are both TS-38 Gun Metal, by the way). Tamiya spray paints can be put on with just a coat or two, while the Mr. Hobby sprays seem to require repeatedly going over with light misting coats because the paint does not seem to stick well to protruding corners and it pools up in concave corners. They just do not apply very well at all.

I screwed up with masking on a couple of leg parts that fit in the back of the legs, so I ordered replacement parts from Bandai. Since I now live in Japan, it is very handy to order these replacement parts! On top of that, I live in Shizuoka Prefecture, which is the plastic model capital of the world!

The silver parts on the backpack are Testors Silver. Panel lines are courtesy of Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color Black, applied after a coat of Tamiya Clear TS-13.

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