MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam

January 2008

The ZZ Gundam TV series doesn't get the respect it deserves. The plot is admittedly pretty weak in the first 15 episodes or so, but the show does go from a whimsical mood to a more serious one after the first 18 episodes or so. While the show starts out fairly goofy, the show does get dead serious and some protagonists are even killed off. Since Double Zeta starts off right after Zeta finishes, it is required viewing to see resolution of Camille's fate, as well as the reintroduction of Sayla.

While the Zeta Gundam transforms into a "Wave Rider" mode, the ZZ Gundam actually splits off into separate two fighters. This is as close as Gundam gets to a "multiple vehicles combine into one robot" like Voltron or the Constructicons from Transformers. Judau is usually piloting a single Core Fighter, and he trades places with another Core Fighter to complete the transformation sequence. However, the show isn't like Voltron or Sailor Moon where the enemies just twiddle their thumbs while waiting for the heroes to transform. They have to wait for the opportunity to do so and even get pinned down by enemy fire that prevents them from forming the ZZ Gundam.

I started this model a year ago in January of '07. I never finished it because the crappy Testors airbrush of mine had broken, and I wanted to do the huge booster pack of the ZZ Gundam a bluish-gray color instead of the default color. I had assembled this kit a year ago, hand-painted where necessary, and applied the panel lines with the flat black enamel plus Zippo trick. This HG model also features the "System Injection" style, which means that little paint is required because the colored plastics are fused together. For the most part, I did not use the stickers it came with because these cheap-looking stickers are annoying and I was able to achieve a much better look with hand-brushing enamels instead. I only used the black dotted stickers for the legs and I chose not to apply the big "010" sticker on the chest, especially since I never saw this number on the mecha in the anime.

The way this model transforms is remarkably just like in the TV show.

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