Bubblegum Crisis B-Club Film Comic books

August 2013

I recently scored a couple of really cool Bubblegum Crisis Bandai B-Club film comic books on Yahoo Auctions Japan. These contain synopses of each episode (1-3 for the first book, 4 & 5 in the second one), character and mecha designs, comics, pictures of and conversations with the voice actresses, as well as pictures of garage kits that were made by Bome and other sculptors. In these books are also the two Ganbare! Nene-chan manga that I scanlated a year ago. Please click on each image for a larger view.

Here are pictures of the first book.

Neat-looking figures!

Here's an actual helmet. Warning: do not try riding a motorcycle with this helmet on! ^_^

These faux vintage BGC toys are cute. Vinyl figures, wind-up toys... even a remote control AD Police flying saucer! The Boomer looks like an old vintage wind-up robot.

Pure BAD ASS Motoslave!

Here's a conversation with the voice actresses.

So, moving on to the second book...

This page features a shower scene with Nene that was cut from episode 4. Perhaps this was used in episode 8? I'd have to check.

BGC, sentai style!

Here's a ridiculous, H-style sentai manga. The girls change into their suits on the spot---yanking their bras off and peeling down their panties, complete with pixelated pubic hair. Actually, since Bubblegum Crisis was one of the first anime I'd ever seen back in my high school days, it was the first time I'd ever seen nudity in anime. I was shocked and upset that Priss had no pubic hair. Then later I learned about Japan's silly censorship laws against pubic hair, which I understand is mostly ignored anymore.

Here is a manga of Kinuko Oomori, the voice actress/singer who played Priss.

Here's a BGC "Cyber Adventure Game." Interesting.

Here you can see a few pictures of the game. I am familiar with the Bubblegum Crash adventure Snatcher-style game for the PC Engine. I'll have to try translating this text sometime to figure out if this game was a reality or not. Nothing immediately stood out like "PC-88" or anything to tell me what computer platform it was supposed to be made for.

Nice Hardsuit cosplay!

Next, check out cool video game promotional flyers!

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mail: greg -atsign- stevethefish -dot- net