Shizuoka Hobby Show 2015

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Continuing with my coverage of this year's Shizuoka Hobby Show...

Left: So Macross Valkyries are great, and it's nice to see a new model of the Macross itself (DYRL version, to boot!), but I wonder if Hasegawa's Macross license will allow them to release any Zentraedi designs? Right: Here's Sweet's booth. Sweet is a small, mom and pop model company located in Fujieda. I got to talk to the president of Sweet for a while. I believe he told me that he used to work for Tamiya, and decided to go into business for himself. I told him that I'd taken video of the exterior of his company's building (which is basically just a house), for the purpose of putting together a video showcasing the model companies of Japan for YouTube. He was really impressed and flattered with the idea.

The artwork for Sweet's products alone is enough reason to love the company.

Right: Popondetta is a company I see often that sells train set models. The detail is fantastic and very impressive.

Now we're moving on to the private exhibitor's hall. The DeLorean got a lot of love at this year's Hobby Show. I cannot recall if this is some sort of model for sale or if it was just a scratch-build merely for display purposes.

Left: The Lovely Tomoe Ohgoshi posed for me. She brings such creativity and a feminine touch to modeling that is very refreshing. Right: Here are some pictures I took of the flea market at the event.

Left: Here's the Cycroader II from Lensman. Right: Customized Phalanx Destroids.

Some Mospeada love.

Left: Where Macross meets Youkai Watch; a cross between Breetai and Jibanyan.

Gundam pilots.

Sakura Taisen characters!

Right: Amazingly intricate Super Valkyries!

Left: A Gundam made of discarded runners. Amazing!

I was impressed that this modeler had painted up Red Leader's R5 Astromech accurately to match the movie.

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mail: greg -atsign- stevethefish -dot- net