Meiji Pudding is TEH NOMZ!


June 2012

Japanese flan is the best in the world, as far as I am concerned. They just incorrectly call it "pudding" instead of flan. Of the three major pudding makers in Japan, Meiji, Morinaga, and Glico, Meiji's taste is superior. What makes Meiji pudding even better? Putting it in large cups for more enjoyment. And what's even better than that? putting pictures of the cute girls from IDOLM@STER on them! Hooray for pretty girls!

LEFT: Makoto, Mami, Yayoi, and Yukiho. RIGHT: Azusa, Ami, and Iori.

LEFT: Chihaya, Haruka, and Ritsuko. RIGHT: Hibiki, Takane, and Miki.

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mail: greg -atsign- stevethefish -dot- net