"Space Ghost Saves the Day!" A PG-13 children's book

June 2010

The Evil Cycloptus kidnaps the beautiful Leifang to sacrifice her in some savage, backwards ritual!

"Your beloved Space Ghost shall not save you, Leifang," the evil Cycloptus says. "My savage backwards ritual is nearly complete!"

"Space Ghost will surely save me," says Leifang. Just then, she looks up into the sky. "It's him," she exclaims!

Could it be? Yes! It is Space Ghost!

"Release her, Muno...I mean, Cycloptus," Space Ghost demands.

"Never," replies Cycloptus. "I will defeat you and then Leifang shall truly perish as a virgin sacrifice for my ritual that will somehow make me the most powerful being in the galaxy or something! I even bought an occult ritual dagger at the Home Depot, so I'm serious about this!"

"Not if I can help it," says Space Ghost. "Here, I'll just start by punching you in the 'nads."

"OWCH!" Muno...I mean, Cycloptus is in pain!

ZZZAP! Space Ghost finishes him with a blast from his Power Bands!

"Crap, now I'm all dead 'n stuff," says Cycloptus.

Once again, Space Ghost prevails!

"Oh, you turn me on," squeals Leifang. "Please, make out with me, now!"


Later that day, back at Space Ghost's office...

Space Ghost asks, "By the way, didn't he mention something about a virgin sacrifice?"

"Oh yes," says Leifang. "I forgot to tell him that we're married."

"You also forgot that you're a kung fu master," says Space Ghost. "Why must I always keep rescuing you like this?"

"Because you never let me borrow your Power Bands," Leifang replies.

"I'd never get them back from you," retorts Space Ghost. "Not since you discovered an alternate use for the Massager Ray!"

Leifang giggles mischievously. "TEE HEE HEE!"


Next, read about the otaku shopping town Tachikawa, in eastern Tokyo.

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"Oh boy, the Shatner's really hit the fan now. I'm up Dawson's Creek without a paddle." ---Space Ghost

mail: greg -atsign- stevethefish -dot- net