Enjoying our sledding in the snow

Going bald

February 2003

This winter I went to Japan with my wife for a month to visit her family. Nagano is quite cold in the winter, and staying in freezing Japanese homes makes it even colder due to the fact that Japanese houses are not built with central heating and insulation because they are subject to outdated and ridiculous laws that forbid construction with common sense.

I generally hate snow. It looks great for photographs and pretty postcards, but typically snow makes me cold, wet and miserable. However, it is fun to play in the snow occasionally. Staying with my wife's grandmother for a few days, we took turns playing with the snow sled and building a snowman. For an interesting cultural perspective, Japanese make snowmen out of two balls of snow, whereas people in Western countries make snowmen out of three balls of snow. I have no idea, but that's just the way things go.

While looking at the photographs we took of these fond memories, this picture reminds me that I am definitely going bald. It's not something I am very happy with, but it's not something I can do anything about. I'm gaining weight as years go by, and that is something to be concerned about. My weight is something I have control over. Losing my hair is not.

Sure, there are drugs I could take. I've heard the commercials on radio and I've seen them on TV, and frankly, they scare me. Here's a typical commercial:

"With Hagetrol, you can regain a healthy full head of hair in a matter of just thirty days! Hagetrol has been proven to work better than a worthless sugar pill placebo. Ask your doctor if Hagetrol is right for you. Users of Hagetrol have reported certain side effects, such as dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, sinus congestion, headaches, sore throat, bleeding gums, constipation, explosive diarrhea, skin boils, impotence, a decrease in sex drive, uncontrollable urination, fits of rage, spontaneous combustion, loss of bodily control, invaders from space, cancer, itchy eyes, and significant hair loss. Users of Hagetrol should not drive automobiles, operate machinery, or otherwise do anything productive with their lives while taking Hagetrol. Finally you can enjoy a full head of hair and the look you've always wanted with Hagetrol!"

I'm sorry, but I'd rather be bald.

Go on to the next chapter before I get any balder!

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"Ignorant? Ha! I don't know the meaning of the word!" --The Tick